Hannity Goes Off On Vivek Ramaswamy, Says He’s Unqualified To Be President

Sean Hannity and Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy got into a tense discussion about Israel Thursday after the Fox News host asked the 2024 hopeful to defend comments he made on the topic in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson.

Ramaswamy recalled fondly his time speaking with Carlson while throwing in a dig at his current interviewer.

“One of the things about that interview with Tucker is we were able to have a thoughtful conversation and go deep into issues rather than this kind of political gotcha,” he said.

Hannity, upset by the jab, went on to attack Ramaswamy Ramaswamy.

“Here’s your problem: You go on these shows, people quote your exact words, and you deny your own words!” he said, “And I’m saying if you’re going to be a presidential candidate… either own it or pull it back!”

The back-and-forth between Hannity and Ramaswamy continued, leading Hannity to question if anybody who hasn't held public office before should ever lead the country.

"I think people that never held public office like you," Hannity said to Ramaswamy, "maybe they're not qualified to be president."

We hate to agree with Sean Hannity, but he’s right on this one.


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