Vivek Ramaswamy Gets Embarrassed By Town Hall Attendee In New Hampshire

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy was confronted by a critical town hall attendee in New Hampshire who called him out, declaring Ramaswamy a “scam artist” and “showman” in New Hampshire on Saturday.

“Mr. Ramaswamy, thank you. You’ve expressed some illogical and dangerous positions just about everything under the sun. But I will only bring up a few points today,” began the attendee.

She continued by comparing Vivek to Donald Trump and taking a shot at both of them: “A few years ago, we all saw firsthand the disastrous results when a ruthless capitalist, a scam artist, a showman, and a liar with no public service experience became the president of the United States, and yet we are here again. My fellow New Hampshire residents are being manipulated by showmen and Trump wannabes to win our votes,” declared the Granite Stater, drawing a parallel between Ramaswamy and former President Donald Trump.

The voter went on to say, “Mr. Ramaswamy, you may be a millionaire and you may know how to avoid paying taxes by incorporating companies in Bermuda. But let’s talk about your lack of job qualifications. You’re not qualified to become the principal of my children’s school of only 1000 students. You’re not qualified to be the selectboard of my town with a population of 16,000 people. And you’re definitely not qualified to run for the highest office of our nation to govern 330 million Americans. Spewing nonsensical, fast talking, empty words interspersed with name dropping, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington should not be misconstrued as knowledgeable. We Americans should stop thinking that rich men who fund their campaigns and manipulate us into thinking that they’re smart or savvy, are qualified for the presidency to receive the codes to launch nuclear weapons and to become the commander-in-chief of our military forces.

“If we American voters keep supporting self-promoting showmen who treat the U.S. presidency or vice presidency as an entry level position, then we, the American people, are to blame for the destruction of our democratic institutions. Please your thoughts about that?” she concluded.

A job well done calling out Ramaswamy!


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