Marjorie Taylor Greene Asks To Speak To A Manager After Getting Called Out By Democratic Congresswoman

During the first impeachment inquiry hearing Thursday, Congresswoman Summer Lee shifted the focus of the hearing away from the sham investigation launched by the GOP into the President to focus on the impact the looming government shutdown would have on the districts of the Republicans allowing it to happen.

Lee slammed Republicans saying “Republicans on this committee are attempting to divert and distract the American people's attention by spending taxpayer dollars on this sham impeachment hearing two days before they shut the government down in hope that the media (...) will fall for their scheme and give more air time to the lies being told on this committee today then the real life impact their shutdown will have on even their own constituents lives.”

The Congresswoman then went on to list off the number of constituents in each Republicans’ district who would lose paychecks if the government shut down.

When Lee got to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s district which would see 6,306 individuals lose paychecks if the government were to shut down, the Karen Congresswoman tried to interrupt Lee.

Congressman Lee quickly shut down Greene and continued to list off those who would be affected by the shutdown, but Marjorie wanted to speak to a manager.

Greene got out of her seat seemingly to ask her colleague on the committee Congressman Glenn Grothman to intervene, which he did not.

These outburst from Greene are expected, but her inability to get her way was wonderful to watch.


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