Biden Uses Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Words Against Her In New Campaign Ad

Marjorie Taylor Greene attempted to criticize President Biden during her speech at the far-right Turning Point Action Conference this weekend, but when your party takes pride in cutting Medicare, killing student loan forgiveness, and criminalizing librarians, your criticisms often sound more like compliments.

Greene warned attendees of the conference that President Biden wants to “address” issues such as “education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty.”

Greene went on to compare President Biden to two past Democratic Presidents, FDR and LBJ. To Marjorie Taylor Greene and the MAGA Republicans in the crowd, these are evil figures in our nation’s history, but to a panel of Presidential scholars, they rank as 1st and 8th best Presidents ever.

The rest of the speech followed this same formula with Greene delivering Republican critiques which any regular American would view as a compliment.

The White House called out Greene’s ridiculous criticisms, if you can even call them that, on Twitter but Dark Brandon wasn’t done yet.

President Biden’s team used Marjorie Taylor Greene’s words better than she ever could and quickly turned them into one of the best ads of his campaign thus far.

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The ad from Team Biden shows the Georgia Republican correctly calling The President’s agenda “The largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs. That is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on.”

President Biden’s policy positions have been hugely popular throughout the country, something out-of-touch Republicans like Greene struggle to understand.

Conservatives will continue to criticize Biden for whatever he does, but as long as Dark Brandon is at the helm, Republicans would be best served choosing their words wisely or better yet shutting up entirely unless they want to be the subject of Team Joe’s next viral ad.


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